Registered user since Mon 4 Jun 2018
Name:Sira Vegas
Affiliation:Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Personal website: http://www.grise.upm.es/miembros/sira/
Research interests:Empirical Software Engineering, Software Testing
- Session Chair of Closing (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
- Doctoral Symposium Co-Chair in Organizing Committe
- Session Chair of 2.1.5. Code Review: Observational Studies (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of Panel (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
- Session Chair of Welcome (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
- Session Chair of Virtual Trip to Madrid (part of Culture and Sports)
- Session Chair of 3.1.2. Deep Neural Networks: Supporting SE Tasks #2 (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of Late PhD #1 (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the DS - Doctoral Symposium-track
- Session Chair of 2.5.2. Developers: Experiments (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of 1.3.3. Open Science (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of 3.6.2. Program Repair: General Issues (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of Early PhD #2 (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
- Session Chair of Welcome (part of DS - Doctoral Symposium)
ICSE 2021-profile
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