Registered user since Mon 26 Apr 2021
I am the PI and Founding Director of the Software Sustainability Institute, a national facility for research software users and developers whose mission is to cultivate better, more sustainable, research software to enable world-class research.
From 2007-2010 I was Director of the OMII-UK, based at the University of Southampton, which provides and supports free, open-source software for the UK e-Research community. During this period, I was Technical Manager of the JISC-funded NeISS social simulation project, and Project Manager of the JISC-funded ENGAGE initiative, which interviewed 50+ researchers across the UK and commissioned 14 exemplar projects which addressed the current barriers to the use of e-Infrastructure in research domains including chemistry, Earth systems modelling, digital humanities, and medicine.
Previous to this, I worked at EPCC firstly as a technology transfer consultant working with Scottish SMEs and latterly as a Project Manager leading data access and integration projects (OGSA-DAI and DAIT), and collaborating with many other e-Science projects, including the EU FP6 NextGRID project.
I am the current Chair of the ExCALIBUR Steering Committee, a member of the BBSRC Transformative Technologies SAP and STFC Particle Physics Technology Advisory Panel, and past Chair of the EPSRC e-Infrastructure SAT. I am co-chair of the Software Citation Implementation WG and FAIR for Research Software WG, co-organiser of the Software Engineering for Science workshop series, co-author of Best Practices for Scientific Computing and An Open Science Peer Reviewers Oath, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Research Software.
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