Registered user since Thu 26 Oct 2017
Daniel Amyot is Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa, Canada, which he joined in 2002 after working for Mitel Networks as a senior researcher. He has over 170 publications related to his research interests. Daniel co-edited the User Requirements Notation (URN) standard, and he also leads the development of an open-source Eclipse plug-in (jUCMNav) for the creation, analysis, and transformation of URN models. He has led and participated in many analytics projects in collaboration with several Canadian hospitals and regulatory agencies. Daniel is on the editorial boards of Empirical Software Engineering and the Journal on Software & System Modeling (SoSyM), and he is Researcher at the Monfort Knowledge Institute. He was also the General Chair of the RE’15 in Ottawa, and he is Program Co-Chair of RE’18 in Banff. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa (2001 and 1994), as well as a B.Sc. from Laval University (1992).
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