Registered user since Thu 15 Apr 2021
An experienced consultant with strong analytical and communication skills, operating at strategic and tactical levels. Danny has experience in various roles ranging from IT consultant, data management consultant to enterprise architect. His focus is on information architecture, data quality and the link to the business and processes, but he is also knowledgeable on technology architecture and developments. Danny has twentyfive years of IT experience, especially in the financial services and public sectors. He regularly publishes on IT related topics in popular magazines and is also active in the architecture community. Danny is chairman of the governing board of “Via Nova Architectura”; an e-magazine on digital architecture. He is also chairman of the of the architecture section of the Dutch Computing Association (KNVI). He is the main author of the book “Architecture Principles - The Cornerstones of Enterprise Architecture” and co-author of the books “Ruimte voor mens en organisatie - visie en aanpak voor de digitale samenleving” and “Testautomatisering wendbaar organiseren - klaar voor de toekomst”.
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