Registered user since Mon 1 Mar 2021
Luis Valencia-Cabrera received his BSc in Computer Engineering, his MSc and his Ph.D. in Logics, Computing and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sevilla, Spain. In the past, he was working for an IT Consultant company from 2005 to 2010, receiving professional certifications by Oracle (SCJP, SCWCD and SCBCD) and IFPUG (CFPS), and getting another MSc in Software Development of Enterprise Applications. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, at the University of Sevilla. He received the Ph.D. Extraordinary award for his doctoral thesis, defended in 2015. He has supervised a number of MSc and BSc theses, two doctoral theses, and is currently advising another one. His main research interests include complex systems modelling and simulation, natural computing (especially membrane computing), theoretical computer science, and software development. He has over 90 scientific contributions, including more than 35 papers in ISI JCR journals, plus others in book chapters, non-indexed journals, some invited talks and conference proceedings. He has participated in around ten research projects (at National, European and International level).
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