Registered user since Sun 8 Nov 2020
Name:Phu Nguyen
Phu H. Nguyen is a Research Scientist at SINTEF, as a member of the Secure IoT Software group with a focus on tools and method- ologies for software development and operation of heterogeneous and autonomous, yet secure and privacy-aware systems spanning across the Cloud, the Edge, and the IoT. He has experience from working in international research projects as well as research and development projects with industry in Norway. He has a very international education and research background, from Vietnam (BSc) to the Netherlands (MSc), Luxembourg (Ph.D.), and Norway. He is also an active reviewer and PC member of high-impact journals, conferences, and workshops.
Personal website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nguyenhongphu/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/phu_h_nguyen
ICSE 2021-profile
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