Registered user since Sat 16 Feb 2019
Name:Rahul Mohanani
Dr Rahul Mohanani, PhD (Oulu University, cum laude), MSc (Lancaster University), B.Eng. (Mumbai University), is a Senior Scientist at fortiss GmbH, Munich in the Requirements Engineering field of competency and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the department of CSE and HCD at IIIT Delhi. His research focuses on the human aspects of software engineering. He has published many peer-reviewed articles in top international conferences and journals and secured multiple research grants and external funding to support his research projects during doctoral and post-doctoral career.
Affiliation:fortiss GmbH
Personal website: http://rahulmohanani.net
X (Twitter): https://x.com/RoadationRahul
Research interests:Empirical Software Engineering, Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Software Sustainability, Technical Debt
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