Registered user since Fri 8 Mar 2019
I am passionate about pushing the boundaries of Software Engineering research from India and venturing to create a best research lab at IIT Tirupati, India. Let us see how it goes! The first attempt starts with MSR 2019 :)
Standard Bio: Sridhar Chimalakonda is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Tirupati, India. Prior to this, he was a Visiting Faculty (Full Time) in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Tirupati, India [August 2017 to May 2018] and IIIT-Sri City, India [August 2015 to July 2017]. He received his PhD and MS by Research in Computer Science & Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad, India. He served as Co-Editor for several international standards [ISO/IEC 26551, 26555] in the area of software product lines and published several papers in international conferences. His primary research interests include Software Quality, Software Reuse, Software Product Lines, Software Architecture and Requirements Engineering. Recently, he is more inclined towards empirically and qualitatively assessing quality of software systems venturing into the area of Empirical Software Engineering. He is passionate about the massive potential of technology for improving quality of education, in particular computing education. In his thesis, he proposed a software engineering approach for design and customization of educational technologies for scale and variety in the Indian context [300 million learners, thousands of subjects, teaching styles, learning styles to be delivered in 22 Languages]. This resulted in open source software, mobile version on Google Play Store, and officially listed in Govt. of Telangana websites http://tslma.nic.in and http://srctelangana.com. He is an active member of both software engineering and educational technologies communities and volunteers for ACM SIGSOFT [Special Interest Group in Software Engineering] as Social Media Chair and as Core Committee member of ACM iSIGCSE [Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education]
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