Registered user since Sun 28 Jun 2015
Name:Stephan Krusche
Since 2016: Postdoc Researcher and Senior Lecturer at Technical University of Munich
Since 2007: Part-time freelancer for iOS and Eclipse development
2011 - 2016: PhD Student in Computer Science/Software Engineering at Technical University of Munich
2008 - 2011: Master of Computer Science at Technical University of Munich
2005 - 2008: Bachelor of Computer Science at Technical University of Munich
Affiliation:Technische Universität München
Personal website: http://www1.in.tum.de/krusche
X (Twitter): https://x.com/skrusche
GitHub: https://github.com/krusche
Research interests:Software Engineering, Education, Agile Development, Continuous Software Engineering, Usability Engineering
ICSE 2021-profile
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