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ICSE 2021
Mon 17 May - Sat 5 June 2021
People (24 results)
Wei Song

Wei Song

Nanjing University of Science & Technology

… published several papers in IEEE Transactions and international conferences such as ASE

Yanyan Jiang

Yanyan Jiang

Nanjing University

… Dr. Yanyan Jiang is an Assistant Professor of Nanjing University, China. His research interests include software testing, analysis, and synthesis. He was a recipient of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE’18), CCF Outstanding …

Rahul Purandare

Rahul Purandare



Ruoxi Sun

Ruoxi Sun

The University of Adelaide

… papers published in top international conferences, such as ICSE, SenSys, ASE

Tevfik Bultan

Tevfik Bultan

University of California, Santa Barbara

… Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2013) and the 41st ACM/IEEE … Software Engineering (ASE), and ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software … Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), the ACM SIGSOFT …

Hao Zhong

Hao Zhong

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

… of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, the best paper award of ASE, and the best …

Xiaobing Sun

Xiaobing Sun

Yangzhou University

… international journals (STVR, IST, JSS, SCIS, FCS, etc.) and conferences (ICSE, ASE

Xiang Chen

Xiang Chen

Nantong University

… , Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ICSE, ASE. …

Le An

Le An

Polytechnique Montreal

… for the MSR and ASE conferences and has served as a reviewer for the EMSE and JSEP …

Aldeida Aleti

Aldeida Aleti

Monash University

… , such as ASE, ICSE, GECCO, SSBSE, ISSTA, IJCAI, etc., is in the editorial board of JSS …

Rongxin Wu

Rongxin Wu

Xiamen University

… engineering, including POPL, PLDI, ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE, TSE and EMSE and so …

Hongyu Zhang

Hongyu Zhang

The University of Newcastle

… , POPL, AAAI, IJCAI, KDD, ASE, ISSTA, ICSME, ICDM, and USENIX. He received three ACM …

Xin Peng

Xin Peng

Fudan University, China

… 2011 Best Paper Award, the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ASE 2018 …

Marianne Huchard

Marianne Huchard


… Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018). …

Xusheng Xiao

Xusheng Xiao

Case Western Reserve University

… at top-tier venues such as ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE, USENIX Security, *CCS …

Miryung Kim

Miryung Kim

University of California at Los Angeles, USA

… . She is a Keynote speaker at ASE 2019. a Program Co-Chair of ESEC/FSE 2022 …

Romain Robbes

Romain Robbes

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

… and programming languages venues such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, EMSE, ECOOP, or OOPSLA …

Yijun Yu

Yijun Yu

The Open University, UK

… Distinguished Paper awards (RE’11, BCS’08, ASE’07), a Best Tool Demo Paper Award (RE …

Massimiliano Di Penta

Massimiliano Di Penta

University of Sannio, Italy

… conferences, including ICSE, FSE, ASE, and ICSME. He will be program co-chair …

Marsha Chechik

Marsha Chechik

University of Toronto

… Engineering (ASE’14), the 2008 International Conference on Concurrency Theory …

Serge Demeyer

Serge Demeyer

University of Antwerp, Belgium

… edition of the renowned “Automated Software Engineering Conference” (ASE

Sven Apel

Sven Apel

Saarland University

… on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) and the 27th ACM Joint European Software …

Fabio Palomba

Fabio Palomba

University of Salerno

… International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’13 …

Sebastiano Panichella

Sebastiano Panichella

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

… as a program committee member of various international conferences (e.g., ICSE, ASE