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ICSE 2021
Mon 17 May - Sat 5 June 2021

337 results

People (101 results)
Andrea Stocco

Andrea Stocco

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

… My interests concern devising techniques for testing web- and AI-based software … aspects of regression testing, such as test suite minimization, or improving the robustness and maintainability of test suites for web applications. …

Eduard Paul Enoiu

Eduard Paul Enoiu

Mälardalen University

… , primarily affiliated with the Software Testing Laboratory and the Formal Modelling … interests span software engineering and empirical research, especially how to test … automated testing and model-based testing at the masters and PhD levels as well …

Adnan Causevic

Adnan Causevic

Mälardalen University

… Adnan Causevic is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) within Software Testing Laboratory research group at Mälardalen University, Sweden. …

Events (200 results)

Aspects of sustainable test processes

BoKSS 2021 People: Armin Beer, Michael Felderer, Tobias Lorey, Stefan Mohacsi

Testing is a core software development activity that has huge potential to make software development more sustainable. In this paper, we discuss how … of test planning, design, execution, and evaluation. …

A Survey of Video Game Testing

AST 2021 When: Fri 21 May 2021 15:15 - 15:45 People: Cristiano Politowski, Fabio Petrillo, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc

… . This quality could be assessed and ensured through testing. However, to the best of our knowledge, little is known about video-game testing. In this paper, we want to understand how game developers perform game testing. We investigate, through …

Continuous Testing Improvement Model

AST 2021 When: Fri 21 May 2021 16:30 - 16:45 People: Maximiliano Agustin Mascheroni, Emanuel Agustin Irrazábal, Gustavo Rossi

… to testing at using practices like Continuous Delivery or Continuous Development. Thus, we propose Continuous Testing Improvement Model (CTIM) as a solution to the testing problems in continuous software development environments. It brings together …

Follow-up Test Cases are Better Than Source Test Cases in Metamorphic Testing: A Preliminary Study

MET 2021 When: Wed 2 Jun 2021 13:00 - 13:20 People: Zenghui Zhou, Zheng Zheng, Tsong Yueh Chen, Jinyi Zhou, Kun Qiu

… Recently, metamorphic testing (MT) has been used to augment test datasets by inclusion of new (follow-up) test cases transformed from existing (source) testtest dataset usually has higher fault detection capabilities. Intuitively …

News (3 results)

AST 2021 Industrial competition winner announcement

Author: Oscar Dieste

… After the jury’s deliberation, it is our pleasure to inform you that the winner of the AST 2021 Industrial Competition was the paper entitled:

Model-based Automation of Test Scripts Generation Across Product ...

Recipients of the three main ICSE 2021 Awards

Author: Javier Troya

… Statistical Tests to Assess Randomized Algorithms in Software Engineering, addressing the key challenges of using statistical tests in software engineering …

Accepted Workshops

Author: Javier Troya

… International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing * GI: Genetic Improvement Workshop …-Based Software Testing Workshop * SERP4IoT: 3rd International Workshop on Software … International Workshop on Deep Learning for Testing and Testing for Deep Learning …

Tracks (27 results)

2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test AST 2021

The 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test AST 2021

Software testing of modern distributed and pervasive systems remains … in Madrid, Spain.

The conference theme for AST 2021 is “Automatic Software Testing

MET 2021

… The test oracle problem is one of the most challenging problems in software … Testing (MT), and has proven that MT can effectively alleviate the oracle problem and detect real bugs. Compared with most other testing methods, where …

DeepTest 2021

… , the International Workshop on Testing for Deep Learning and Deep Learning for Testing … collision avoidance systems. Thus, it is crucial to rigorously test …, ML is being applied for devising novel program analysis and software testing

General (6 results)

AST 2021 Homepage

… AST 2021 The 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test AST 2021

Software testing of modern distributed and pervasive systems … Testing from the Trenches”.

A more detailed call-for-contribution …

FormaliSE 2021 Homepage

… , implementation, verification/testing, and the creation of documentation.

After …

CHASE 2021 Homepage

  • Towards Human-Like Automated Test Generation: Perspectives from Cognition …
  • Perceptions about Software Testing among UAE Software Students

    Luiz …

  • May 27th Overview

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    May 26th Overview

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    May 28th Overview

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