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ICSE 2021
Mon 17 May - Sat 5 June 2021
Tue 25 May 2021 19:00 - 21:00 at SRC Room 2 - SRC Poster Session 2 Chair(s): Aurora Ramírez, Sergio Segura

Mutation testing is becoming increasingly widely used to evaluate the quality of test suites, especially to test programs coded in widely used programming languages in the industry. Mutation tools have arisen to automate the technique in different languages, including C++. With the increasing use of this technique, new mutation operators modeling possible faults often emerge to improve its abilities and adapt the tools to new advanced features. In this work, mutation operators for the new C++ standards, defined in previous work, are implemented and applied to generate and execute mutants in real programs. With this study, the MuCPP mutation tool is updated with the inclusion of these new operators. In addition, the improvements suggested in the definition of those operators can be finally tested, and conclusions about their utility in practice can be drawn. The implemented operators are checked on a set of four C++ programs that use these advanced features. The results show significant differences with the previous manual analysis: the number of invalid mutants was reduced by 64%, and we found fewer alive mutants (88%) and an increase in dead mutants (31%). In summary, both the number of mutants incorrectly classified in the previous manual analysis and the number of mutants generated (particularly equivalent mutants) have been reduced.

Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Cadiz in Spain. He graduated in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Cadiz, Spain, in 2019, and he obtained a Master’s Degree in Systems and Computer Engineering Research also at the University of Cadiz, in 2020. He is a researcher of the UCASE Software Engineering Research Group. He works on projects related to Software Engineering focus on the Mutation Testing and Artificial Intelligence.

Tue 25 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

19:00 - 21:00
SRC Poster Session 2SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at SRC Room 2
Chair(s): Aurora Ramírez University of Córdoba, Sergio Segura Universidad de Sevilla
NodeSRT: A Selective Regression Testing Tool for Node.js ApplicationACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Yufeng Chen University of British Columbia
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Investigating the Interplay between Developers and AutomationACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Omar Elazhary University of Victoria
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WebEvo: Taming Web Application Evolution via Semantic Structure Change DetectionACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Fei Shao Case Western Reserve University
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Understanding the Challenges and Assisting Developers with Developing Spark ApplicationsACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Zehao Wang Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
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Automation and evaluation of mutation testing for the new C++ standardsACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García Universidad de Cádiz
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ProMal: Precise Window Transition Graphs for Android via Synergy of Program Analysis and Machine LearningACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Changlin Liu Case Western Reserve University
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Microservice-based performance problem detection in Cyber-Physical System software updatesACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
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Please Don’t Go - Increasing Women’s Participation in Open Source SoftwareACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Bianca Trinkenreich Northern of Arizona Univeristy
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Explainable Bug Prediction for Code Changes: Are We There Yet?ACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
Reem Aleithan York University, Canada
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A Better Approach to Track the Evolution of Static Code WarningsACM SRC
SRC - ACM Student Research Competition
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